by Dan Kennedy, Kumveka Executive Director. He's helped a number of ministries walk through the process of hiring an agency.
In a previous post, we looked at why ministries should consider using an agency.
Now we're going to dive into the how of going about choosing an agency partner.
It's important to think of hiring an agency just like you would if you were hiring a new team member—only this time, it's an entire team. To help you, we've put together a FREE scorecard based on "Three C's of Hiring": Culture, Credentials, and Cost.
You can download this FREE scorecard below to use while you research potential agency partners and to help you think through your decision.
Download your FREE scorecard
So what about you? What have been your experiences using an agency partner? What else should be considered?
Learn more:
If you're thinking about hiring an agency, you may be facing big change. Learn how to navigate it well.
With alignment around culture, credentials, and cost, the International Mission Board hired us to help with their annual Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. Take a closer look at that work.
Discover the communication solutions we offer to ministries like yours.