By Dan Kennedy, Kumveka Executive Director  He’s helped dozens of ministries determine which research method will get them the answers they need. This is the final post in a three-part series. Read Part 1 and Part 2.

By Dan Kennedy, Kumveka Executive Director
He’s helped dozens of ministries determine which research method will get them the answers they need. This is the final post in a three-part series. Read
Part 1 and Part 2.

The first two posts in this series covered the what and why of research. Now let’s jump into the how with a quick overview of 3 basic methodologies and a free tool you can use to get started.

Method #1: Desktop research

This includes competitive landscape research and audits (in-depth look at your communications, customer experiences, etc.)

Method #2: Qualitative research

Most common examples of qualitative research are interviews and focus groups.

Method #3: Quantitative research

Numbers-driven research, including surveys (we use SurveyMonkey) and database mining.

We’ve put together this “at-a-glance” cheat sheet of these research definitions, their pros and cons, and investment levels.

Research Changes Everything Tool.jpg
Research Changes Everything Tool (1).jpg

Download a PDF of these charts.

Pro-tip: Build your summary deck before researched is conducted. You won’t have the results yet, but you will have a framework—based on your learning agenda—to ensure your research is effective and that you can outline clear next steps.


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