by Amy Anderson, Senior Copywriter and Project Manager
Kumveka's Executive Director Dan Kennedy was honored to co-host a webinar last summer for Accord Network on "Communication & Racial Justice."
He was joined by former Kumveka Director of Operations Lori Ruffin who is the Founder and Lead Operations Strategist for The COO Team. Over 60 participants gathered to engage in a Biblically-based discussion on why and how to take the next steps.
You are invited to download the presentation as a tool for your organization to work through your own next steps on this critical issue.
Imago Dei Neighborhood School is doing important work making a Christian education accessible to families of all ethnicities and income levels in Richmond, Virginia. Read about our work with them.
Elijah House Academy is another of our clients actively working in this space.
We’re thankful for Accord Network’s willingness to make this discussion possible. Discover more about the relief and development work they support.