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Research Changes Everything: The How

By Dan Kennedy, Kumveka Executive Director
He’s helped dozens of ministries determine which research method will get them the answers they need. This is the final post in a three-part series. Read
Part 1 and Part 2.

The first two posts in this series covered the what and why of research. Now let’s jump into the how with a quick overview of 3 basic methodologies and a free tool you can use to get started.

Method #1: Desktop research

This includes competitive landscape research and audits (in-depth look at your communications, customer experiences, etc.)

Method #2: Qualitative research

Most common examples of qualitative research are interviews and focus groups.

Method #3: Quantitative research

Numbers-driven research, including surveys (we use SurveyMonkey) and database mining.

We’ve put together this “at-a-glance” cheat sheet of these research definitions, their pros and cons, and investment levels.

Download a PDF of these charts.

Pro-tip: Build your summary deck before researched is conducted. You won’t have the results yet, but you will have a framework—based on your learning agenda—to ensure your research is effective and that you can outline clear next steps.

Looking at a research project at your ministry?

We’d love to help.