The short answer to that question is: Kumveka means to be understood. But you need to know the whole story. It starts in Malawi with the ministry of Rosemary and Moffat Phiri.
This small African country has been ravaged by AIDS, leaving many children without one or both parents. Endangered by famine and poverty, these children need physical care and hope for the future.
Rosemary and Moffat saw this need firsthand in their small village. As a wedding gift, local leaders presented them a generous offering of land. The Phiris used that gift to create an orphan care center, a place to provide safety and shelter, as well as raise up a generation of strong Malawian leaders.
But the Phiris didn't simply give lip service to orphan care; they committed to living it out by adopting 12 Malawian boys. These boys, now young men, have grown into principled leaders ready to impact Malawi's future.
One of the beautiful children served by the Phiri’s ministry, We Are One Malawi
Rosemary and Moffat periodically travel back to the U.S. to raise funds and connect with family, including Rosemary's nephew (and our executive director) Dan Kennedy. Their work has always intrigued him. So when the idea for a non-profit agency serving ministries began to take shape during his own cross-cultural service in China, Rosemary and Moffat's lives served as inspiration.
As Dan searched for just the right name for the agency, he came across the word kumveka, which means "to be understood" in the Malawian language of Chichewa. Just like that, the pieces fell into place.
Communications is all about being understood—by your donors, supporters, employees, and potential recruits. This central to the work we do for your ministry. But ensuring we understand you is key. And because we're a ministry too, we get the unique challenges and amazing opportunities you take on every day.
Rosemary and Moffat continue to inspire what we do, as does one word from the language they speak as they serve: Kumveka.